Dr. Powell can work with your patient one of two ways.

  1. Refer your patient to our clinic in Cedar Rapids, IA. Have them call 319-366-2518. Instruct your patient to tell our staff that they are calling to be a “NEURO PATIENT” with Dr. Powell. Our staff will provide intake information so your patient can be seen. Dr. Powell will see them a minimum of two times (often on consecutive days), provide a treatment plan with specific instructions and goals, and follow-up via in-person or telehealth or through referring provider based on what’s best for the patient.

  2. Telehealth consultation. For patients outside of Iowa who will not be traveling to our clinic; Dr. Powell can work with you, their provider, to consult on their case. Dr. Powell reviews the patient history and exam. Then provides you with recommendations on next steps and care for your patient. Interaction is via telehealth and the patient may be present for these sessions. As Dr. Powell is not licensed in other states, this allows him to help you with your patient even though he will not be their doctor. Call our clinic at 319-366-2518 and let our staff know you would like to “BRIEFLY DISCUSS A PATIENT WITH DR POWELL”. There will be no charge for this initial discussion; it will determine if working together will likely benefit your patient.